The balance in Q Jet/ Q LSC may be used as an indication of the type of circulation. Secondly, topography generates complex longshore wave-driven circulation as a result of the protruding shoreface which serves as a platform on which counter LSCs develop.

When a RMB is present, the topography modifies the structure of the jet by spreading it, and we quantify this mechanism through the lateral jet transfer rate ( LJT).

We find that in the absence of a river-mouth bar (RMB), interactions are driven by momentum balances, expressed either as the balance of wave momentum flux ( Mw) and jet momentum flux ( Mj), or the balance of river jet discharge ( Q Jet) and longshore current discharge ( Q LSC). This idealized numerical modeling study simulates a large number of hydro-morphodynamic conditions (650) to explore the emergent hydrodynamics determined by different mouth bar volumes and geometries, river discharge, wave heights, and directions and their potential stress on river-mouth development.